Tote bags are just like T-shirts.

T-shirts were once considered underwear, but now they have come to be used in our lives as an item to send messages. In addition to various designs, an advantage of T-shirts is they are affordable to everyone and look good on everyone. This strong point can be applied to tote bags, too. “I wonder what color T-shirt I’ll wear today.” “I wonder what printing I’ll choose to wear.” There are these same pleasures when it comes to tote bags. We discovered tote bags’ possibilities in this, and we have developed ROOTOTE.

ROOTOTE has released new collections every year with focusing on fashionability, but we never forget to sustain “product quality”. Based on this policy, we are going to introduce various representations and spread their value and possibilities. Our ideal is everybody can have fun with tote bags, and our dream is to spread inspiration to the World though manufacturing.

“What matters when we have a spiritually rich life?” As we always ponder this question, we are going to explore what we can do with ROOTOTE.